Zacup Skyrace del Grignone

Grigne Skymarathon will be part of Skyrunner World Series

Dec 24, 2020 | WORLD SERIES_en, ZACUP SKYRACE-en

Grigne Skymarathon will host Skyrunner World Series.

Sentiero delle Grigne Trofeo Scaccabarozzi Ph. © / Sport di montagna

8 years have passed since that goodbye, which would have meant for many the farewell from their first great love. Luckily that chapter was not the last of the great book titled to the Valsassina Skyrunning. Like in the best scripts of romantic comedies, the unexpected twist is guaranteed and the ending is expected full of good feelings.

It is official now, Grigne Skymarathon is part of the Skyrunner World Series circuit! The history of the Skyrunning returns on September 19, 2021, finally it will be possible to return to run on that amazing paths.

On the list of good intentions for the new year, all that remains is to include training for this race.

Sentiero delle Grigne, Trofeo Scaccabarozzi Ph. © / Sport di montagna

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